I completed and graduated as a yoga teacher from Qi Yoga & Health in December 2017, just last year. And as part of that year long diploma course I was very fortunate to have Mauricio Eberlein as my mentor, then and still today.
The course for me has changed my life, becoming a yoga teacher is something that I’ve wanted to achieve for so many years and I honestly believe it was the mentoring from Mauricio that has brought me to where I am right now. I’m teaching and to be honest I didn’t know if I could or would be, after the course.
Andrea Markillie
Mauricio is one of the very best teachers that I have encountered in Sydney, he is a true master but also a truly humble student himself, he always makes you feel safe, comfortable and free in the knowledge that he is guiding you with personal knowledge from his own dedicated practice.
With love and gratitude to Mauricio,
Andrena Grayling
Maurice is so generous with his time. He will be at class ridiculously early, that is 4:30 am for those students who need to be at work early and will stay back past 8am to finish with students who are still finishing their practice.
He will make sure he wishes each student well before they leave his classes. He waits at the door to greet everyone goodbye as well as extending an invitation to join him with other students for coffee after class to keep a sangha (yoga community) alive.
I consider him not only my most influential teacher but a dear friend who I will truly miss as he moves on to the next stage in his life. I think this quote is fitting to how I feel he has guided me on my yoga journey:
“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” – Henry Brooks Adams
I am so grateful to have received his teachings at a young age (21-22) it has been a truly beautiful gift that I will treasure for the rest of my life.
Hannah Mcglinn
Certainly, Maurice's guidance has played an integral part of my Yoga Teacher Training journey (and, indeed, in my Yoga journey in general) and I struggle to imagine how I would have managed without his support and guidance.
I don't know what lies in store for Maurice in his future, however, I have absolutely no doubt that his Love and Dedication to Yoga, and the Yoga Community, will Enrich the Lives of many more people in the years to come.
Rowan Fitzpatricke